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Goat Care

Pumpkins: Natural Dewormer from the Fall Festivities

As anyone with goats can tell you, goats want to die. It’s basically common knowledge for any goat farmer. One of the most common ways that goats can die, or at least get sick, is from internal parasites, specifically worms. I’ve previously done an article on treating goats for worms and other parasites that goats are susceptible for, so I’m… Read More »Pumpkins: Natural Dewormer from the Fall Festivities

Coccidia in Your Caprinae (And Treating Other Parasites)

Introduction We all love goats. If you didn’t, you probably wouldn’t be reading this. Or shouldn’t be reading this. It’s all a matter of opinion, though. When it comes to goats, they have the reputation of being very hardy creatures who love to eat trash. However, at the end of the day, this simply isn’t true. This reputation actually comes… Read More »Coccidia in Your Caprinae (And Treating Other Parasites)